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Chang Industrial

Kate McAfoose named Top 10 Prominent Business Leaders of 2023

Kate McAfoose, President and Partner of Chang Industrial, was selected as Value Icon's Top 10 Prominent Business Leaders of 2023. Kate is an industry leader and outstanding woman of God and Chang Industrial is honored to have her. Congratulations, Kate!

Kate McAfoose is a leader in her industry, using disruptive technology to change how companies do business. Kate is the top executive at her engineering company where she serves as President. Kate’s main role for her customers is to focus on the business processes required to adopt robotic and autonomous technologies into the strategy of the company. In 2020, Kate played a key executive role in implementing the world's most extensive autonomous robot system. The key to robotic success was developing a new software system to coordinate the "orchestra" of robots and determining business cases that balance advanced robotics, workforce, and financial payback. She specializes in leading teams to design and implement the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), collaborative robotics, autonomous technology, and scalable automation. The system designs Kate leads utilize big data while enabling better service to end-users and supply chains.

“Everyone has their own leadership style, and you should lead as genuinely as possible. In an engineering and technology focused industry, there is a strong male presence throughout my day-to-day interactions. Learning to embrace feminine qualities such as empathy and collaboration in a male-dominated field has allowed me to become a better leader.”

Kate embodies the new millennial working professional. She is a licensed engineering professional, remote work guru, partner in her firm, and has achieved industry firsts in technology -- all while serving her community, and mothering three small children, and being a wife to her husband Bryan. During the pandemic, Kate worked as a designated CISA (critical infrastructure) worker and through the lockdowns to keep America’s food manufacturing and e-commerce systems running. Kate is a woman who is making waves in her industry while serving as an example to her colleagues and women in STEM.

To check out the full article on Kate, click here.

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